Posts tagged charlalbemarle

Walkability on 29 North – A Work in Progress?

The Neighborhood Model may list “pedestrian orientation” at the very top of its 12 Principles for Development, but it’s in the county’s subdivision and zoning regulations where the rubber—so to speak—meets the road. … “Right now we can’t require sidewalks on all streets in the development areas,” says Elaine Echols, a principal planner with the county. … Until we get our zoning regulations changed to make it a requirement,” she says—a project she and her staff are working on right now—walker-friendly development is not as ironclad a guideline as the Neighborhood Model would suggest. I know this – more and more of my clients want to walk places – coffee shops, grocery stores, schools, friends’ houses – and the County and developers are negligent in not following through in their plans.

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Bing Maps Versus Google Maps in Charlottesville

I just got off the phone (although I have Skype , too) with a client overseas who had been questioning whether the railroad near the Belvedere development was abandoned. She answered her own question when she said, “I’m looking at it now, and it appears that it’s still in use – there aren’t any weeds growing over the tracks .” I know I’m a “tech savvy Realtor” and all, but that statement still blows me away, as does the fact that Bing is winning the mapping race in Charlottesville right now. This year I have worked with a fair number of international buyers, and my tools to work with them have become better and more efficient.

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Affordable Housing in CharlAlbemarle – Treesdale Park

The development is moving forward off of Rio Road (it’s not done yet; it still needs site plan approval) … … AHIP plans to construct three multi-story buildings which will contain a mix of both two and three-bedroom apartments. Treesdale Park will also be sustainably constructed and certified through EnergyCraft and EnergyStar to further minimize maintenance burdens for its residents. As an aside, Bing’s Birds-Eye view is pretty fantastic, but their sharing tools are pathetic. Map of Treesdale Affordable Housing Development in Charlottesville Whereas Google allows easy embedding: View Larger Map

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Proof There is a Market for Recycling in Charlottesville (and Albemarle)

Individual trash stickers for 13-gallon and 32-gallon trash bags are available in the City Hall Lobby and at many convenience and grocery stores in the Charlottesville area.

…The green trash cans are provided by the firm that provides curbside recycling ; blue by the one who doesn’t. 90 days ago, these cans were all blue.

… Then read about the absurd lawsuit by the local government mob waste authority trying to put the kibosh on the company that provides the destination for curbside, un-sorted recycling. … ** I’d think a paid journalist might want to follow up on this story; talk to trash companies and ask what they’ve seen since they’ve started offering curbside recycling and ask the ones that don’t why they don’t follow.

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