Posts tagged charlalbemarle

Shenandoah Joe’s on Ivy Road in Charlottesville

Shenandoah Joe’s new location on Ivy Road in the former Java Java spot brings something new to Charlottesville – each cup is individually brewed – the beans are ground for each cup!

Shenandoah Joe's on Ivy Road in Charlottesville, Virginia The real estate business is about social networking – on and off-line (as in “In Real Life”) – and frequently “off” meets “on” – for example, @steinarknutsen came into Shenandoah Joe’s this morning and said, “I knew you were here, I saw your tweet!

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Redefining Real Estate Signage in Charlottesville

One size does not fit all, and this is but one way that we are seeking to re-define how real estate is done in Charlottesville and Central Virginia. … – A real estate sign of the times: Our first custom yard sign printed in both English and Spanish – Describing Mariana and Derek’s signs in Colorado Springs – Describing John Kalinowski’s signs in Northeast Ohio .

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