Posts tagged glenmore neighborhood

The Challenges of Growth and Rural Areas – In Glenmore

Residents of the Glenmore neighborhood aren’t fond of the sounds from the shooting range nearby. Looking in the Charlottesville MLS, the oldest home I can find in the Glenmore neighborhood was built in 1993; the shooting range has been there for 40 or 50 years … what’s the solution? If Glenmore wants to pay for sound dampening, I can imagine the range would entertain that offer.

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Should Taxpayers Pay for a Subdivision’s Gratuitous Water Supply?

The Glenmore community has a single source of public drinking water, a 4-mile pipeline that runs along U.S. 250 east of Charlottesville. However, if Albemarle officials decide to add a backup storage tank, they will use $2 million of the county’s capital funds rather than ask the developers or Glenmore residents to pay for it.

“ It is not something that is needed to provide [water] for Glenmore,” said James Bowling IV, legal counsel for the Albemarle County Service Authority. “ It’s a convenience [but] one that you would certainly call a necessity if there was an emergency.”

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