Posts tagged Market statistics

Question Everything – Especially Real Estate Reporting (Friday Chart)

All of the MLS (about 30+ counties)? – In Charlottesville/Albemarle in February 2011, 66 homes sold. – In Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, 106 homes sold. – In Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, Louisa, 133 homes sold and 172 went under contract. – In the entire MLS , (which is mostly irrelevant to my readers) 455 homes sold. For a better representation of real estate data that is relevant to real estate buyers, sellers, voyeurs, consumers in the Charlottesville MSA: Charlottesville MSA market stats - Single Family Homes - 2000- through 2011 Same information, different display: Charlottesville MSA Single Family Homes stats (I like this one as it gives a good understanding of the total volume we’re dealing with) As always, raw data is at the bottom of this post. … For the sake of accuracy, I typically discount/ignore aggregate days on market; they are so easily manipulated (such as by those entering new construction with 0 days on market to make their numbers look better, realtors gaming the mls , etc) – Even More about Days on Market – Days on Market Matter in Charlottesville – For consistency, I am excluding Louisa County. … Looking at this broad of a dataset is not useful when considering what your home may be worth. Moving Median Price - one month - Charlottesville MLS - 2011.jpg Moving Median Price - one year - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Moving Median Price - three year - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Moving Median Price - five years - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Raw data, inclusive of inadequate short sales and foreclosures: .

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Real Estate Data and Analysis is Local. And always will be

If you haven’t been paying attention to the national real estate data world for the past week, you might have missed the National Association of Realtors responding to claims that it has been inflating housing sales .

…While some I have spoken with today call the claim by CoreLogic (a housing data provider) that the Realtors overestimated home sales in 2010 by almost 1.5 million, “overblown,” the Realtors themselves admit there is a problem.

… This is a big and important conversation because the NAR’s data, along with Case Schiller, are important, widely read, and depended on by many to ascertain the psychology of buyers, sellers – real estate consumers.

…I’ve said it before, when you’re evaluating the Charlottesville real estate market, ignore the national data ; it will only cloud your opinion .

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Friday Chart – Charlottesville MSA Real Estate Update – First 47 Days

I'm always trying to get a handle on what's happening in the Charlottesville real estate market**, and while anecdotal evidence is useful, data is mighty helpful as well.

… Today we're looking for trends; as I've said for years, looking at data from any level other than this house (whatever that house is) can be misleading.

…key=0AsdZ2NoUfJTrdGRFQUxzbUJfYmNjc2FVbENkbnhsOVE&range=A1%3AM4&gid=8&transpose=1&headers=1&pub=1″,”options”:{“displayAnnotations”:true,”showTip”:true,”nonGeoMapColors”:[“#0000ff”,”#DC3912″,”#FF9900″,”#109618″,”#990099″,”#0099C6″,”#DD4477″,”#66AA00″,”#B82E2E”,”#316395″],”reverseCategories”:false,”titleY”:”Volume “,”dataMode”:”markers”,”maxAlternation”:1,”pointSize”:”0″,”colors”:[“#0000ff”,”#DC3912″,”#FF9900″,”#109618″,”#990099″,”#0099C6″,”#DD4477″,”#66AA00″,”#B82E2E”,”#316395″],”smoothLine”:false,”lineWidth”:”2″,”labelPosition”:”right”,”is3D”:false,”logScale”:false,”hasLabelsColumn”:true,”wmode”:”opaque”,”title”:”Single Family Homes in Charlottesville MSA – Listed, Contract, Sold”,”legend”:”bottom”,”allowCollapse”:true,”reverseAxis”:false,”isStacked”:true,”mapType”:”hybrid”,”width”:700,”height”:393},”refreshInterval”:5}

… Every time I see just how dead 2009 was, I'm a little surprised, and thankful to have made it through that time period.

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Moving Median Home Price for Charlottesville MSA

Some year-end Charlottesville real estate market data for you: And a ♫♫♫♫♫ a Happ-y New Year ♪♪♪ Context coming on Monday, 3 January … as well as the answer to the question, “Is 2011 the right time to buy a house in Charlottesville?” (Answer: Maybe)

Moving Median Home Price for Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area for the Past Year: Moving Median Average Home Price - Charlottesville MSA - 2010.jpg Moving Median Home Price for Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area for the Past Five Years: Moving Median Home Price - Charlottesville MSA - five years.jpg Condos – Sales and Inventory Report 2006 – 2010 (PDF) Attached Homes – Sales and Inventory Report 2006 – 2010 (PDF) Single Family Homes – Sales and Inventory Report 2006 – 2010 (PDF)

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