Posts tagged Market statistics

Charlottesville Real Estate Data Nuggets

Looking at the weekly real estate data reports for Charlottesville and Albemarle, two points jump out: – Percent of Properties with Price Decrease 26 % – Percent Relisted (reset DOM) 9 % I’m not 100% confident with 26% having price decreases, but it feels about right. The relisted number feels right too – this is the percent of homes that have come on the market for a second or third time … … Download them all for yourself below or sign up to receive weekly automatic (spam-free) delivery . Charlottesville Single-Family Homes Charlottesville Attached Homes and Condos Charlottesville and Albemarle Single Family Market Update Charlottesville and Albemarle Attached Homes and Condos – real estate market update

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More Charlottesville Real Estate Data than You Might Have Wanted

This is going to be a developing post as I read through Barry Merchant’s presentation from this morning. Barry Merchant’s VHDA presentation at Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors (PDF) Additionally,

Nest Report Here is an advance copy of the Nest Report, what we believe to be the best, most “comprehensive and transparent analysis of the residential real estate market in Charlottesville, Albemarle and surrounding counties, prepared quarterly by Nest Realty Group.” Nest Report – Year End 2009, Predictions for 2010 (PDF) Comments, feedback and input welcomed.

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When Does the Charlottesville Real Estate Season Begin?

Left as a message via the message box on the right last night: I’m looking for a house, but can’t find what I’m looking for east of town in the right price range. When do you think the “season” will begin and we will see more of a variety of listings on the market? … What this doesn’t show is what percentage of these listings sold or what their prices were … that’s a story for another day. If you’re interested in more detailed market reports about the Charlottesville regional real estate market, you may be interested in these reports:

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New Charlottesville MLS Market Reports

Our MLS, Solid Earth, has just released some new statistical reports. They’re pretty darn great. Unfortunately, they are for the entire MLS – not just Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Lousia and Nelson. As far as I can tell – this is the Moving Median Price for the past five years for the entire MLS … which incorporates way more than just the Charlottesville MSA. Charlottesville MLS Moving Median Prices for past 5 years And this is the the Moving Average for the past five years: Charlottesville MLS Moving Average Prices for past 5 years

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Charlottesville Real Estate Market – Inventory Update 2010

Not much has changed since I wrote in August of 2009 that regarding the Charlottesville real estate market, We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know . … What new construction in Charlottesville is going to do in 2010. (how many building permits, how many builders, what Ryan Homes are going to do – read: continue their dominance) What the hell the government is going to do with their incessant manipulations of markets through home buyer tax credits, foreclosure moratoriums, cramdowns of loans …

Charlottesville MSA unemployment rate For an example of why national and other regions’ real estate analyses and forecasts just aren’t relevant when you’re trying to get a handle on the Charlottesville real estate market, take a look at this analysis from Ventura County, California : Some of the home buyers in Ventura County have lost the excitement of home shopping. … Cash buyers, and home buyers with 10-20% downpayment, have a strong advantage of being much more likely to have have their offers accepted.

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Quick Charlottesville real estate market update – End of 2009

Just for residential real estate in the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle – Housing inventory for Charlottesville-Albemarle Predictions and Prognostications: The “bottom” of the Charlottesville real estate housing market may come in the third or fourth quarter of 2010. … I have no idea, and if I told you, I’d be lying. 2010 is likely to bring more moderated prices, with increased transactional volume. 2010 will see higher interest rates, that will still be remarkably low. … Please let me know if you would like to see any specific information or data) More on Home Sales – Charlottesville/Albemarle Charlottesville Albemarle housing market inventory 2006 Charlottesville Albemarle housing inventory 2006 2007 Charlottesville Albemarle real estate inventory 2007 2008 Charlottesville Albemarle real estate market inventory -2008 2009 Charlottesville Albemarle housing market - 2009 More on Home Sales – nationally New-Home Sales Drop 11.3% As Impact of Stimulus Fades Home Sales up as Buyers Respond to Tax Credit – National Association of Realtors (read with the biased grain of salt) Why U.S.

…For the new-home sales, the decisions were made in November, when there was no such scramble to qualify for the tax credit.

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