Posts tagged Marketing

Redefining Real Estate Signage in Charlottesville

One size does not fit all, and this is but one way that we are seeking to re-define how real estate is done in Charlottesville and Central Virginia. … – A real estate sign of the times: Our first custom yard sign printed in both English and Spanish – Describing Mariana and Derek’s signs in Colorado Springs – Describing John Kalinowski’s signs in Northeast Ohio .

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Design and Context Matter

I see print as irrelevant for marketing houses, but relevant for branding – branding me as a professional, my company, my profession all of which constitute my brand. … This one, too, shakes everything up – The invention of printing did away with anonymity, fostering ideas of literary FAME and and the habit of considering intellectual effort as private property.

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No More Real Estate Signs in the Median?

Any such advertisements are illegal in the highway right of way and are the focus of this enforcement effort, which was initiated by the County Board of Supervisors to improve safety and aesthetics along entrance corridors like Route 29 and Route 250. … County staff are focusing on this illegal sign issue at the request of the Board of Supervisors, who are concerned about the traffic safety impacts of signs that distract drivers and block sight lines and who find the signs to be visual clutter than detracts from the appearance of the roadways.

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