Posts tagged Politics

Home Buyer Tax Credit Closing Extension Has Life – H.R. 5623

From (bolding mine): H.R. 5623 would extend the homebuyer tax credit of up to $8,000 for the purchase of a principal residence before October 1, 2010. … The bill would provide any homebuyer who entered into a contract on a home by April 30, 2010, but have been unable to go to closing within the required 60 days; the provision would extend the closing date for an additional 90 days. … Under current law, taxpayers who submit a bad check or money order to the IRS must pay a penalty of 2% of the amount of the check or money order. … ] This provision would extend the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to implement fees related to the recently-enacted Travel Promotion Act for one year, through fiscal year 2011.

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So … Has the Tax Credit Closing Deadline Been Extended? Maybe.

I’m reading this morning that the amendment was approved: The Senate has amended a bill to give homebuyers who were under contract on a home purchase by April 30 an additional three months to close the deal and claim the federal homebuyer tax credit. … I read this on the OpenCongress site – Dems Lose Big on Unemployment Insurance/Tax Extenders Vote After two weeks of solid debate — and two weeks of people having their unemployment insurance cut off because of congressional inaction — the Senate this morning took their first test vote on passing H.R. 4213 , the “American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.” … As you know, Senator Reid has been supporting an amendment to H.R. 4213 that would extend the deadline for closing for the homebuyer tax credit from June 30 to September 30. … But also yesterday, earlier in the day before Senator Reid’s amendment, the Senate voted against a motion that would move closer to ending debate on the bill and passing it.

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Monday Reading – Strategic Defaults and Tax Credit Extenstions

Renewing the first-time home buyer’s credit will help Americans purchase a first home with their own money, instead of having to rely on government-funded or backed programs.

… As soon as the proposed amendment to the H.R. 4213 – the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 is posted on either GovTrack or OpenCongress , I’ll note it here.

…With the FairTax, mortgage interest rates fall by about 25 percent (about 1.75 points) as bank overhead falls; this is a huge savings for consumers. … Lower interest rates, the repeal of the income tax, the repeal of all payroll taxes, and the prebate mean that people have more money to spend and have an increased opportunity to become homeowners.

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Places 29 – What’s the Future of Route 29 (North)?

Candidly, i suspect that this plan will continue to be yet another exercise is the County and county business leaders publicly demonstrating that their best interests are served by continuing the planning process while those citizens to actually drive 29 continue to lament the interminable planning and delays of the aforementioned “leaders.”

… • Monday, June 7, Open House at the Hollymead Fire Station from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm • Wednesday, June 9, Open House at the County Office Building, McIntire Road prior to the Board’s public hearing – 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

…The Master Plan includes an implementation program that groups recommendations into those that will begin during the first ten years and those that will begin during the second ten years of the 20-year implementation timeframe. … CvillePedia : The Places29 Master Plan is designed to guide and direct future development in terms of land uses, transportation projects, and other infrastructure projects in the 14.5 square miles [1] four designated growth areas that surround the US 29 corridor through northern Albemarle County.

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Village of Rivanna Master Plan Approved

While the plan calls for infrastructure to be built in advance of new development, many residential and commercial projects have already been approved, but not yet built. “We are not excited about the prospect of a lot of development on our doorstep,” said Joscelyne, “but we realize that we don’t have a lot of say over that.” … “The problem with Route 250 is that it is already near capacity, and many new homes have been approved already that will push it beyond capacity,” said Joscelyne. … Supervisor Dennis Rooker said the guidelines for concurrency of adequate infrastructure were important and a key to getting public support.   “Without that language on future transportation and future rezonings, it wouldn’t have the support of the residents,” said Rooker.

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City of Charlottesville Reviewing Zoning Matrix

Zoning determines what you can do with your property – from building a garage to what you can do with an accessory apartment (R1-S) to whether you can have chickens in your backyard . … Zoning is commonly controlled by local governments such as counties or municipalities , though the nature of the zoning regime may be determined or limited by state or national planning authorities or through enabling legislation [4] . … Zoning may include regulation of the kinds of activities which will be acceptable on particular lots (such as open space, residential, agricultural , commercial or industrial ), the densities at which those activities can be performed (from low-density housing such as single family homes to high-density such as high-rise apartment buildings ), the height of buildings, the amount of space structures may occupy, the location of a building on the lot ( setbacks ), the proportions of the types of space on a lot, such as how much landscaped space, impervious surface , traffic lanes, and parking must be provided. … Peter Hedlund, representing the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association, said it was difficult to review the documents on the city’s Web site and that the notice of the meeting was late.

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Housing Costs & and Affordability – Where Does Charlottesville Rank?

The newer website also allows users to break all of the data down into owners costs and renters costs, different income classes, greenhouse gas emissions, and a variety of other factors.

…EIA forecasts that the annual average regular grade retail gasoline price will increase from $2.35 per gallon in 2009 to $2.84 in 2010 and to $2.96 in 2011 because of the projected rising crude oil prices. … Projected annual average retail diesel fuel prices are $2.96 and $3.14 per gallon, respectively, in 2010 and 2011.

Related reading from over the years : 2006 – Gas prices and real estate 2008 – Proof that Gas Prices are Affecting Homebuyers in Charlottesville 2008 – If you don’t think gas prices are affecting buyers

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