Charlottesville Tomorrow reports: Proposal to expand Redfields recommended for denial
Three thoughts:
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Charlottesville Tomorrow reports: Proposal to expand Redfields recommended for denial
Three thoughts:
From Charlottesville Tomorrow:
An unofficial estimate for construction of the Western Bypass is more than double the amount members of the Commonwealth Transportation Board were told by Virginia Department of Transportation officials in July before they voted to resume funding of the 6.2 mile highway.
Internal documents released under the Freedom of Information act reveal that VDOT engineers calculated a cost estimate of $436 million in late June, several weeks before CTB members voted to allocate $197 million to the project.
1 – Great analysis at cvillenews.
2 – Without the fine folks at Charlottesville Tomorrow, we likely wouldn’t know about this boondoggle.
3 – Wouldn’t it be cool if we’d devote federal funds to building American infrastructure rather than prisons in other countries?
Here’s the problem in a nutshell with infrastructure planning and implementation in Charlottesville and Albemarle:
Our localities are brilliant at planning. And studying. And planning. By the time they finish studying and planning, the plan is outdated, not viable and more expensive. And it’s time for another plan.
Erika Howsare at C-Ville has an interesting look at getting around Charlottesville without a car.
Very related article I wrote in 2006 – Are there Two Charlottesvilles?
Also: Patience Crabstick wrote earlier this year a detailed account of the Charlottesville Bus system. (and I wrote about her writing about the bus system)
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