Local elections matter. So does money. This is a big year for Charlottesville and Albemarle elections. VPAP released data that shows who’s giving money to whom in our elections. Spend some time digging in … it’s always funny to transparently follow the money.
Posts tagged Politics
Batesville Store is Closing
And it’s a damn shame. I find it inexplicable and infuriating that, if everything that is reported is true – that Friday was the owners’ first notice that they were in violation – then the State’s choice to enforce their rules and shut down the store is inexcusable and unacceptable. The Batesville Store is part of what makes Albemarle Albemarle.
The Batesville Store is was an integral part of the community. Personally, I’d like to see the community of Batesville, if they were so inclined, refuse to let the state shut the store down.
Albemarle Axes Another Road – Now Let’s Build the Monorail
Now they can focus on other roads that they have neither the political will nor funding to build .
The Albemarle Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday to remove the proposed Eastern Connector from a list of potential road projects to be considered by the county.
…For a hint at the likelihood of them building the Eastern Avenue in Crozet, have a look at their “coming soon” sign . Sometimes I think that the City and County would be better off focusing on building a monorail.
Eminent Domain in the Charlottesville, Take 2
I’ll be 50 before this road is built. (that’s just less than 15 years) Curiously, it’s taken nearly two years to get to this point ; Rachana Dixit reported in the Daily Progress June 15, 2009 : Charlottesville officials will attempt to exercise eminent domain to acquire the land necessary for Hillsdale Drive Extended’s first section, which is being built as a part of the new Whole Foods grocery store. The city is trying to get roughly 1.5 acres that are privately owned to start the multimillion-dollar road project, which would begin before the store’s construction. Those behind the new Whole Foods — Meadowbrook Creek, LLC is developing the property at 1801 Hydraulic Road under a 99-year ground lease that began in 1964 — agreed that the first portion of Hillsdale Drive Extended would be built as a condition of the project. But the road, designed to connect Hydraulic Road through the Seminole Square shopping center to Hillsdale Drive in Albemarle County, cannot be constructed until the land has been designated for public use.

Real Estate (Dual) Agency in Virginia – Now Updated with a little Reason
HB1907 is law . ( this is me discussing the bill a few months ago ) From the General Assembly’s site (pdf): (boldings are mine) “Dual agent” or “dual representative” means a licensee who has a brokerage relationship with both seller and buyer, or both landlord and tenant, in the same real estate transaction
…That following the commencement of dual standard agency, the licensee will be unable to advise either party as to the terms, offers or counteroffers ; however, under the limited circumstances specified in subsection C, the licensee may have previously discussed such terms with one party prior to the commencement of dual standard agency ; 2. That the licensee cannot advise a buyer client as to the suitability of the property, its condition (other than to make any disclosures as required by law of any licensee representing a seller), and cannot advise either party as to repairs of the property to make or request; 3. … Such disclosures shall not be deemed to comply with the requirements set out in this section if (i) not signed by the client or (ii) given in a purchase agreement, lease or any other document related to a transaction Translated : 1 – The agent can’t tell you about price, terms, etc, but may have already (and probably has) advised the opposing party 2 – The agent can’t tell you anything about the property that’s useful or isn’t something you don’t already know.
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ about to get (more) Interesting
Lindsay Dorrier won’t be running for reelection .
…Mallek, a Democrat, announced earlier this year that she would run for re-election in November. … Boyd’s term ends this year, but he has not announced whether he’ll seek re-election. … I hate that at this level of politics, party affiliations matter.
Crozet Struggles With Growth – Now a Lack of Implementation of Promises
The Road to Somewhere (Nowhere?) raises questions, as do rumored roads .