Snow told supervisors this morning that he’s willing to support a tax rate of 75.2 cents per $100 of assessed value, up from the 2010 rate of 74.2 cents. … Rooker, an independent, proposed the rate increase to provide funding primarily for about a $1 million local transportation fund that could be matched with state funds, doubling its value, and about $450,000 to provide the first year of annual financing of a new Crozet library. I’d be inclined to support this if I trusted the politicians/bureaucracy/system to dedicate the increased revenue to specific projects. But I don’t.
Posts tagged Politics
Trader Joe’s is Coming to Charlottesville! (Maybe)
Located at the intersection of Hydraulic Road and Route 29, Stonefield will be anchored by a 65,000 square foot Regal Cinema, with 14 screens and stadium seating, making it the largest cinema within a 60 mile radius of Charlottesville. … “From the beginning, a state-of-the-art cinema has been part of our strategic plan as we create the foundation for a signature shopping and entertainment experience,” said Jessica Bruner, Vice President of Leasing for Edens & Avant. “In addition to Regal Cinemas, we are extremely excited to introduce Trader Joe’s to Charlottesville – a specialty grocer that we feel is a perfect fit for such a progressive community .” … Along with Regal Cinema, Edens & Avant is also assembling an eclectic mix of regional retailers and restaurants that will be characteristic of theCharlottesville community.
HB 1907 – Agency in Virginia, Disclosures and More
The bill has unanimously passed the Committee and the House of Representatives . Discussing the perils of single agent dual agency has long been my windmill; while not perfect, this bill clearly is a step towards representation .
…That following the commencement of dual standard agency, the licensee will be unable to advise either party as to the terms, offers or counteroffers; however, under the limited circumstances specified in subsection C, the licensee may have previously discussed such terms with one party prior to the commencement of dual standard agency;
…That the licensee cannot advise a buyer client as to the suitability of the property, its condition (other than to make any disclosures as required by law of any licensee representing a seller), and cannot advise either party as to repairs of the property to make or request; 3. … That the licensee will be acting without knowledge of the client’s needs, client’s experience in the market, or client’s experience in handling real estate transactions unless he has gained that information from earlier contact with the client under the limited circumstances specified in subsection C; and 5.
Is Hollymead Poised to Grow?
More growth on the 29 North Corridor without infrastructure improvements – not enhancements like another deceleration lane and a stop light (or whatever other bandaid is proposed) but real improvements – is irresponsible . … The news has gotten out to the incoming DIA and NGIC folks that buying/living/moving to areas on the other side of Charlottesville is a bad idea due to traffic in Charlottesville; the infrastructure/traffic scenario in our area is continuing to grow/deteriorate.
…However, at a subsequent work session in December, Boyd said his mind was changed by “additional information,†but he did not further elaborate at the meeting on the specifics. … Boyd went on to say that a rezoning would allow the county to receive financial support, in the form of proffers from developer Wendell Wood, to pay for needed infrastructure.
Get Ready Virginians – The General Assembly is Poised to Reconvene
Here you can learn about and track the fate of the thousands of bills that will be proposed , voted on, and the few that ultimately become law. Some of the bills are inane, some seem to be designed to implement gridlock , some are a waste of taxpayers’ time and money , and some will absolutely, positively affect your daily lives if they were to become law . … I tend to look at the newest bills every day or two, but so long as you’re looking and letting your legislators know that you’re watching them. … While you’re spending time at Richmond Sunlight figuring out who your legislators are , head over to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) to see who’s giving them money. (note: the “Map Donations” tool is mighty cool ).
One Year Later, Taxpayers Know How Much Biscuit Run Cost
Last December Biscuit Run sold for $9.8 million , but no one knew the value of the tax credits.
… Still, with $20 million at stake, the fight is not over, and the results might not be made public. … An appeal goes to the state tax commissioner, Craig Burns, and the results of such appeals are not public. If that appeal is denied, Forest Lodge LLC could appeal the ruling to circuit court.
Simplifying our (Country’s) Way to Success
It’s not often that I write here about something completely unrelated to real estate, but the following story form yesterday’s Washington Post was brilliant in both its recommendations and simplicity to reform our country.
…There is one common technique that has been used in successful legal overhauls, from Justinian’s recodification in ancient times to the Napoleonic code that is the basis of modern European civil law to the uniform commercial code adopted in the United States in the 1950s.
…But neither party, we now know after the lengthy debate on health-care reform, will take the political risk of challenging these wasteful practices.
Bringing this back to the political environment of the Central Virginia region, think about this statement in context of Charlottesville’s and Albemarle’s inability to build a road or address our water supply. (bolding mine)