Posts tagged real-estate

First Quarter Market Report for Charlottesville and Albemarle

Days on Market : Of the 1927 residential properties on the market in Central Virginia: – 584 have continuous days on market (CDOM) of less than 30 days. – 890 have CDOM of less than 60 – 1126 have CDOM of less than 90 – 1143 have CDOM of at least 180 days – 458 have CDOM of at least 365 days – 78 have CDOM of at least 730 days (I’m posting this just because I was curious, so I thought you might be, too) Answering Joe’s question from my request for “what do you want to know ” (thanks to the CAAR report):- Price Per Squar foot Regarding price reductions – I’m working on a way to display the sold data, but in the meantime, know this – properties that have significant (meaning at least 10%) seem to be going to contract fairly quickly.

… In Cville all categories: 1st QTR 2008 145 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 87 Contracts (71% under $300k) In ALB/CVILLE/FLU/GRN 1st QTR 2008 554 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 452 Contracts (71% under $300k) I’m no rocket scientist but I think this means when we come back and look at the CAAR report again end of 2nd QTR, median prices are going to move some more.

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Condos Are a Shifting Market – Even in Charlottesville and Albemarle

We don’t have co-ops in Charlottesville, so just substitute “condo” for “co-op” – Moreover, barring a swift economic renaissance, lawyers, managing agents and condo boards are bracing for things to worsen significantly this year as job losses mount, severances and savings evaporate, and the new reality sets in. … Now, say five condos go to foreclosure – after all, foreclosure may be the best business decision (excepting morals and ethics) available – The foreclosure process takes six months or so … that’s $600 loss to the condo association – per unit – so that’s a six thousand dollar loss to the condo association.

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Moving to Charlottesville?

Clubs/Networks (just a sampling) Charlottesville Young Professionals Charlottesville Sports and Social Club The next three came from my curiosity – I started typing in “Charlottesville [blank] club” into Google and quickly figured that there’s likely a club for anything and everything (seriously be creative when you try it!) – Charlottesville Track Club Charlottesville Hiking Club Charlottesville Drinking Club Rentals – For most people relocating blind to the area (having only been here once or twice) I would much rather we take a “rent now, buy later approach” (although this is certainly not “one size fits all” – each person and situation is different).

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