Posts tagged realtor

First Quarter Market Report for Charlottesville and Albemarle

Days on Market : Of the 1927 residential properties on the market in Central Virginia: – 584 have continuous days on market (CDOM) of less than 30 days. – 890 have CDOM of less than 60 – 1126 have CDOM of less than 90 – 1143 have CDOM of at least 180 days – 458 have CDOM of at least 365 days – 78 have CDOM of at least 730 days (I’m posting this just because I was curious, so I thought you might be, too) Answering Joe’s question from my request for “what do you want to know ” (thanks to the CAAR report):- Price Per Squar foot Regarding price reductions – I’m working on a way to display the sold data, but in the meantime, know this – properties that have significant (meaning at least 10%) seem to be going to contract fairly quickly.

… In Cville all categories: 1st QTR 2008 145 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 87 Contracts (71% under $300k) In ALB/CVILLE/FLU/GRN 1st QTR 2008 554 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 452 Contracts (71% under $300k) I’m no rocket scientist but I think this means when we come back and look at the CAAR report again end of 2nd QTR, median prices are going to move some more.

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Innovation, Emulation and Flattery

We expect to be copied – on our signs, on how we market, on how we work with clients – and that, in and of itself, is a good thing. … Heck, I and we copy other people as often as we can … first mover is cool, but sometimes the real skills are recognizing emerging trends and technologies and then having the gumption, wherewithal and ability to implement said trends and technologies.

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You’re Going about It all Wrong – Or How to Search for Homes in Charlottesville (Without a Realtor)

Look at picture to see how different the home looked a few years back (pics usually taken in 2002 or 2003). ( ed note: this leads to a separate rant about Realtors stripping the MLS of photos of their listings when the listing expires/sells – this kills the accuracy and historical context of the MLS )e. … For example: Grove St. plus Charlottesville clued me into the Grove Square development (which I was unaware of because I’m new to C’ville). (ed note: don’t forget to visit Charlottesville Tomorrow for the most in-depth reporting on growth, development and politics in Charlottesville/Albemarle) 5.

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Learning About Short Sales

Our local Realtor Association is holding a lunch tomorrow on short sales , which are becoming more and more of an issue in the Charlottesville market. … 2) This will be yet another confirmation that it is clearly easier to complain about short sales (and anything else, really) rather than learn how to deal with them.

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