Clubs/Networks (just a sampling) Charlottesville Young Professionals Charlottesville Sports and Social Club The next three came from my curiosity – I started typing in “Charlottesville [blank] club” into Google and quickly figured that there’s likely a club for anything and everything (seriously be creative when you try it!) – Charlottesville Track Club Charlottesville Hiking Club Charlottesville Drinking Club Rentals – For most people relocating blind to the area (having only been here once or twice) I would much rather we take a “rent now, buy later approach” (although this is certainly not “one size fits all” – each person and situation is different).
Posts tagged realtor
Thoughts on Dual Agency
Moving forward … Question everything.
Reflecting on Zillow’s Influence Over the Past Three Years
A lot has changed in the real estate tech space, but the real estate business remains a belly-to-belly business, with client relationships solidified with handshakes and time spent together in the car, in houses, at the coffee shop. Zillow’s presence in the Charlottesville real estate market is negligible; in spite of this I’ve always considered them another tool in the good Realtor’s toolbox. … I for one, have welcomed the opportunity to answer this. (more in a later post) Brian Boero at 1000Watt Blog offers this kick ass post on Zillow’s three year anniversary – (bolding mine/read the whole thing) The real estate industry owes Zillow a debt of gratitude, whatever their fate may be.
Thoughts on IDX
More posts on IDX – Why aren’t 100% of listings in IDX? A New Question for Sellers to Ask When Interviewing Listing Agents in Charlottesville If can do it, Why Can’t I?
Billable Hours, Straight Commission, Hybrid or Both?
One giant stipulation for this somewhat hypothetical discussion is this – in this make-believe world of fairies and unicorns, the buyer pays the buyer’s agent and the seller pays the seller’s agent – in other words, we have succeeded in rending total control of the buyers’ agents’ compensation from the seller and the sellers’ agents. ( hint : we’ve divorced the commissions ). … And when the agents representing the buyers have nothing to give away but conversely have to place a price on their services and actually charge their clients directly, the associated accountability will only benefit the buyer… So let’s assume that the buyer is willing to pay her buyer’s agent .
Tune In To WINA Today at 4:15
today from four fifteen to five o’clock pm – please feel free to let me know in advance if there are any topics or questions you would like us to discuss or call in – 434-977-1070.
…Since 2006 there have been more than 1.5 million layoffs from home builders – that’s more than 3x the total number of UAW members (and that 1.5 million figure doesn’t include suppliers).